Mobile Workers: Quick Facts

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines a mobile, or peripatetic worker as “someone who works at a variety of locations and travels between them”. There are no specific laws or regulations relating to mobile working. However, the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 and other general health and safety regulations apply.

Mobile workers can include service engineers, forestry workers, postal staff, social workers, sales representatives and staff receiving training off-site or attending conferences.

This topic outlines the risks that mobile workers can be exposed to and the importance of analysing those risks in order to implement controls, the duties of both the employer and employees, the need for effective safety systems of work and methods of communication.

  • A mobile, or peripatetic, worker can be defined as someone who works at a variety of locations and travels between them.
  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires employers to look after all employees, including those who are mobile workers while on or off-site.
  • Risk assessments must be undertaken in order to ensure that hazards to mobile workers are identified.
  • Control measures must be put into place to protect mobile workers. The use of safe place controls is preferable to and more effective than safe person controls.
  • All mobile workers and their supervisors must be given adequate health and safety training.

If you have any questions, please contact Walker Health and Safety Services.


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