Tips to Ensure Members of the Public are Protected During Work Activities

It is vitally important that you consider how persons other than your workers are protected during your work activities. Make sure any risks are included in your risk assessments and policies.

Tips to Ensure Members of the Public are Protected During Work Activities:

  1. Include hazards that could affect members of the public and others (such as visitors) when undertaking your risk assessments. Consider what controls are needed, such as segregating dangerous machinery from the public, and using signage to warn people of the work that is being undertaken.
  2. Provide workers with a safe system of work to follow. Make sure workers know they must look out for members of the public during their activities.
  3. Inspect your workplace to ensure that members of the public cannot wander onto site by mistake. Ensure doors are locked, and that there are no gaps in fencing. Only allow access to authorised personnel.
  4. Make sure that any vehicles being used outside have the correct mirrors and reversing alarms, and that staff stick to any specified speed limits.
  5. Ensure that vehicles are segregated from pedestrians at all times by the use of barriers.

Contact us should you require assistance.


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